How often do you contact your friend? Purpose of contact and points to note

 How often should I contact my friend? In this article, we will introduce the purpose and frequency of contacting friends, and points to note.

Have you ever wondered how much contact you should have with your friend, and how much communication is safe?

If you make a mistake in contacting your friend, it can lead to undesired situations, such as straining the relationship or leading to the dissolution of the relationship.

This time, we will introduce the appropriate frequency and precautions for contacting friends.

What is the appropriate frequency of contact with friends?

    The appropriate frequency of contact with a friend varies from person to person.

    In fact, some people contact us every day, while others contact us only once every few weeks or months.

    Here, let's look at each pattern of contact frequency with friends.

    For daily contact

    If you are in contact with your friend every day, it may be that the relationship is still shallow and you are both excited about each other .

    However, even if you keep in touch every day at first, the frequency of contact tends to decrease when the excitement subsides.

    Because it is a simple relationship called a saffle, you will feel that it is heavy to contact every day .

    When contacting once or twice a week

    There are a certain number of people who are in contact with their friends once or twice a week.

    If you try to match your schedule at a pace of once a week to twice a month , you may end up with this level of contact frequency.

    Some people will contact you for everyday conversation because they are friends even though they are friends.

    1-2 times a month, if less

    Many people only contact their friends once or twice a month, or even less often.

    Some of them have a pattern of once every six months or once a year.

    If you don't contact frequently, you will inevitably have no daily casual conversations, and you will only contact when you want to have sex .

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